#!/bin/bash usage () { cat <<EOF Usage: $(basename $0) <image file> EOF exit 1; } # Check for the input argument if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then usage fi sfdisk -l -uS $1 sfdisk -l -uS $1 2>/dev/null | awk ' BEGIN { i = 1 } /sectors\/track$/ { split ($2, array, ":"); imagefile = array[1]; } /^Units = sectors of/ { secsize = $5; } !/#sectors|sectors\/track$|^$|^Units = sectors of/ && $4 != 0 { partoffset = secsize * $2; cmd = sprintf ("test -e /mnt/tttt%d", i); cmd1 = sprintf ("test -d /mnt/tttt%d", i); if (system (cmd) != 0) { cmd = sprintf ("mkdir /mnt/tttt%d 2>/dev/null", i); if (system (cmd) != 0) { printf ("Error: Could not create the director /mnt/tttt%d.Please try with root privilege.\n", i); exit; } } else if (system (cmd) != 0) { printf ("Error: /mnt/tttt%d is not a directory.\n", i); exit; } cmd = sprintf ("mount -o loop,offset=%d %s /mnt/tttt%d", partoffset, imagefile, i); if (system (cmd) != 0) { exit; } printf ("Mounting: %s ---> /mnt/tttt%d\n", $1, i); i++; }'
To run this script:
root@ubuntu:~# mountImageFile.sh <image file>
Run this script with root privilege.
root@ubuntu:~# mountImageFile.sh <image file>
Run this script with root privilege.
Note: This script will not work for large partitions because of the limitation in sfdisk.
Reference: http://lists.samba.org/archive/linux/2005-April/013444.html & manpages awk and sfdisk
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