I find it useful.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Script to log stepwise execution and output of another bash script into syslog
The input arguments for this script would be another script with its input arguments. First, this script stores the stepwise execution and the output of the called bash script into a temporary file. When the called bash script finishes its execution, this script reads the temporary file and logs them into syslog. We are using a temporary file because if we pipe the output of the called script we will lose the true return value of that script.
#!/bin/bash tmpfile=$(mktemp) (/bin/bash -x $@ 2>&1) > $tmpfile retval=$? cat $tmpfile | logger -t "logger [$1]" rm -f $$tmpfile exit $retval
Shell scripting
temporary file
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Display code blocks on web page
In my blog, almost all my posts have some code blocks. Whenever I tried to post some code, I had greate difficulties to show the code blocks on the web page as how it should be on the normal editor. Later I realized that we can do it easily with the help of <pre> tag and some more changes and here is the script to do that some more.
#!/bin/bash usage () { cat <<EOF Usage: $(basename $0) <code file> EOF exit 1; } # Check for the input argument if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then usage fi if [ ! -e "$1" ]; then echo "ERROR: File ($1) does not exist" exit 1 fi cat <<EOF <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>$1.html</title> <meta content="MSHTML 6.00.6000.17023" name="GENERATOR"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=unicode"> </head> <body> <pre> EOF sed -e 's/\&/\&/g' -e 's/\"/\"/g' -e 's/˜/\˜/g' -e 's/>/\>/g' -e 's/</\</g' $1 cat <<EOF </pre> </body> </html> EOF
code block on web page
HTML Special characters
pre html tag
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Script to mount partitions from image file in linux
#!/bin/bash usage () { cat <<EOF Usage: $(basename $0) <image file> EOF exit 1; } # Check for the input argument if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then usage fi sfdisk -l -uS $1 sfdisk -l -uS $1 2>/dev/null | awk ' BEGIN { i = 1 } /sectors\/track$/ { split ($2, array, ":"); imagefile = array[1]; } /^Units = sectors of/ { secsize = $5; } !/#sectors|sectors\/track$|^$|^Units = sectors of/ && $4 != 0 { partoffset = secsize * $2; cmd = sprintf ("test -e /mnt/tttt%d", i); cmd1 = sprintf ("test -d /mnt/tttt%d", i); if (system (cmd) != 0) { cmd = sprintf ("mkdir /mnt/tttt%d 2>/dev/null", i); if (system (cmd) != 0) { printf ("Error: Could not create the director /mnt/tttt%d.Please try with root privilege.\n", i); exit; } } else if (system (cmd) != 0) { printf ("Error: /mnt/tttt%d is not a directory.\n", i); exit; } cmd = sprintf ("mount -o loop,offset=%d %s /mnt/tttt%d", partoffset, imagefile, i); if (system (cmd) != 0) { exit; } printf ("Mounting: %s ---> /mnt/tttt%d\n", $1, i); i++; }'
To run this script:
root@ubuntu:~# mountImageFile.sh <image file>
Run this script with root privilege.
root@ubuntu:~# mountImageFile.sh <image file>
Run this script with root privilege.
Note: This script will not work for large partitions because of the limitation in sfdisk.
Reference: http://lists.samba.org/archive/linux/2005-April/013444.html & manpages awk and sfdisk
image file
loop device
partitioned image file
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